close up of 2006 Inktomi Oil on Canvas. 6" X 8". 12" X 16" overall. T'was the night before Christmas 1873. They handed out wool blankets to all the could find. Laced with Scarlet fever I fear so that none would be left behind. Now early that Christmas morning not a creature was stirring not even a field mouse. For all were dead now at such a terrible cost.
The details are something for you to find out for yourself if you don't already know the truth. This Truth a small part of the Whole Truth that is not taught in America's traditional history classes. This would seem to be the first documented use of gem warfare used on Natives of our own land so many years ago. We forget as it was written down and hidden from most folks here.
Because the powers that be feared, thought that We The People might not like what we hear. So they changed and buried and twisted it all. So it sounded so nice and cheery and all. As ignorance is no excuse for wrong doing they say. So, I ask you now the next time that you look to judge others consider what terrible things have been done on your behalf, in the past, in the present or that might be made in the future. And be brave enough to take your neighbors hand and stand together and in a loud voice say I want no more of this. I want the America that We were taught to believe in. On that is guided by the Creator, one that seeks to do good work and help less fortunate. not a Industrial Military one bent on domination as the New Republic under the flag if Democracy. But a true Democracy willing to do what is Right, not in our best interest. But in the best interest of all humanity.
May your Christmas, or Hanahaka, Ramadan or whatever you might celebrate, be gay! As the World goes along on it's ignorant way. But be wary my friend, of blind faith I say, as it can lead to confusion and draw you astray. Astray from the Truth, not the one that they say. But the Truth that exists in every heart, the one less listened too. For if you don't, you might even end up thinking that you best friend is nay. And turn him away. To find out he was the reincarnate, Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha or other. not just your friend, your neighbor, your brother...
- Peace Truth Love, rjk
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