close up of 2006 The Struggle Continues Oil on Canvas. 6" X 4.5". 12" X 9" overall.
Ars est Celare Artem (art that conceals art). I am not unlike the surrealists and cubists of the past. As I seek to conceal and reveal my imagery and meaning in my works. However, I am not just using not just the idea of expanding time, or trying to show various sides of an object. I seek to illustrate a different truth. One that is of many different times and places, all existing at once on my canvas. This myriad of layered compositions creates a multi-dimensional view of the world as I see it. All times, all things, all places existing, interlocking, interweaving. This is the fabric of Time and Space. Thus my paintings and drawings become the two dimensional representations of how I see. When we can see past the reality we collectively manifest. There is a great sense of freedom I feel as I go beyond our conscious reality. And see beyond the lies we collectively believe.
So, it is through unlocking and calling upon my subconscious mind to bring forth images that I find my truth. As I allow my subconscious mind to flow freely and call forth it's images I am using my conscious mind to control my eye hand coordination. This is how I believe I can pull into this world thoughts and images from beyond the veil of lies we all must endure in this reality. The lie I want to believe. The lie that conceals the truth. The one that allows me to fully exercise my freedom of speech and self expression.
I am more than a one dimensional artist. I have always had broad interests in my creative studies and throughout my life. While I was in school one of the things I remember was being criticized for having to many branches and not a big enough trunk... Basically because I wanted to research and study many different styles and philosophies to broaden my experience and understanding I was thought to be less focused. Perhaps even less successful than I could be. But, that is their lie, not mine! Now, nearly thirty years later my vision is sharpening and much more focused and unique because for the path I took. The journey has been long and difficult, but I am certain it was and is the right path for my creative evolution.
As I see and learn a little about Quantum Physics, and it's relevance to our understanding of time and space. I wonder if this feeling that I have is a connection to a larger eternal creative Spirit. Or, have I found a way for my future super self to interact and communicate with my self of this time. If my super self is revealing truths to my current self by a future super conscious self. If so, is this a type of time travel?
As I work and watch the marks I make unfold deeper intent than merely marks made to appear as something like a person, boat or mountain. They become objects, beings, creatures in and of themselves. Many recognizable to me as people, things or animals like, houses, boats, horses, owls, hawks, eagles, bear. It as if the art I make conceals more art at a deeper level. And again I am back to Ars est Celare Artem (art that conceals art).
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